2010년 10월 13일 수요일

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Computer Aided Problem solving [Lecturer: Tal Ronen 2006 Streaming]

C Programming [MindView Thinking in C Downloadable ] A Basic Course for Programming.

Object Oriented Programming in C++

Computer Systems Engineering. [MIT Spring'05 Streaming and Downloadable] Introduction to Computers; Naming; Virtualization. Virtual memory, Virtual Processors, Networks: Link layer, Network Layer: Congestion Control; Distributed Naming; Reliability; Atomicity Concepts; Recov-erability, Isolation, Security : Authenticity, Advanced Authentication etc......

Introduction to Algorithms. [MIT Spring'05 Streaming and Downloadable] Analysis of Algorithms; All Sorting techniques; Recurrences; Divide and Conquer: Strassen, Fibonacci, Polynomial Multiplication; Heaps and Hashing; Dynamic Programming; Graph Algorithms; number theoretic algorithms; amortized analysis;Shor- test paths; Catching and parallel computing etc....

Data Structures [Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming] Objects and classes; Iteration and Arrays; Linked Lists; Stack frames; Inheritance; Abstract Classes; Java Packages; Exceptions; Encapsulation; Hash Tables; Stacks,Queues, trees and Traversals, Graphs and Sorting etc....

Machine Structures [Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming] Number Representation; Intro to C;C pointers, Arrays,Strings and Structures; Memory Management; MIPS; Floating point; Compilation, Assembly and Linking; Combinational logic Blocks; CPU Design etc...

Operating Systems and Systems Programming [Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming] Introduction to OS; Concurrency: Processes and Treads; Synchroniza- tion; Mutual exclusion; Semaphores, Monitors;Readers and Writers; Deadlock; Address Translation; Caching; Page Allocation and Replac- ement; File System and Disk Managenment, Naming, Directories, Distributed Systems etc....

The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs [Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming] Functional Programming; Shell Programming; Higher-Order Pro- cedures; Re-cursion and Iteration; Data Abstraction; Sequences; Hierarchical Data; Interpreter; Generic Operators; Obj-esever etc....

Computer System Analysis [Prof. Raj Jain Fall'06 Streaming & Downloadable] Workload, data representation; Ratio Games; Regression models; Experimental Designs; Fractional Factorial Designs; One Factor and Two Factor Experiments; Simulation etc….

About Search Engines [Berkeley Fall'05 Streaming]

How Internet Works; Search and Society; Search Engine Qualities; Search Personalization; Search Advertising; Desktop Search; Search and privacy; Starting a Search Engine etc….

Interviews with Great People [MindView Downloadable ]

Interviews with greatpeople like Authors, Wed Developers, etc….

The Following Courses are from

ArsDigita University

Web Applications

This course is for Designing a Dynamic Website: Topics Covered includes: Scripting languages, cookies, SQL, HTML. Emphasizes on computer-human interface and the graphical display of information etc

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Topics: Building Abstractions; Computational processes; Higher

order procedures; compound data; data Abstractions; Controlling

interactions; Generic Operations; self-describing data; message

passing; stream and infinite data structures; meta-linguistic

abstraction; interpretation of programming languages; machine

model, compilation and Embedded languages etc….

Artifical Intelligence

Topics: Search, A*, Knowledge Representation, and NeuralNetworks.

Theory of Computation Introduction, what can be computed and how fast it can be done,

Applications to compilers, string searching, and control circuit

design. Finite state machines, context free grammars and turing

machines, decidability, complexity theory etc....

Graphical Display of Information, and Design of Dynamic Database-Driven Web Sites

Topics: Basics of designing a dynamic website with a database back

end,including scripting languages, cookies, SQL and HTML.

Emphasis is on computer-human interface and thegraphical

display of information.

Basic Object Oriented Programming

Object oriented programming with Java. Principles of software

engineering. How to design and think in an object oriented fashion.

Algorithm Design and Analysis

Design and analysis of algorithms. Methodologies include: divide

and conquer, dynamic programming and greedy strategies.

Applications include: sorting, ordering and searching, graph and

geometric algorithms, mathematical matching algorithms such as

number theory, algebra and linear algebra algorithms.

Digital Logic, Computer Organization, and Design

Basics of digital logic design, computer organization, and

architecture including assembly language, processor design,

memory hierarchies and pipelining. Modern RISC architecture,

difference between RISC and CISC architecture etc….

Relational Database Management Systems(RDBMS)

Introduction to RDBMS. Data base systems from physical layer of B-trees and file servers to the abstract layers of relational design. Also includes alternative and generic approaches to database design and database management system including relational, object-relational, and object-oriented systems, SQL standards, algebraic query languages, integrity constraints, triggers,functional

dependencies, and normal forms. Other topics include tuning database transactions, security from the application perspective, and data warehousing

free video lectures from freescienceonline.blogspot.com

Other Resources

MIT lecture Browser Lecture browser has video recordings of lectures and seminars. Here you have to enter the topic you are looking for and choose the category. Categories include all arts, engineering and sciences.

Princeton University Lectures It is again huge collection of video lectures on all topics, so you need to search here.

World Lecture Hall It is a search where you get all free courses available in the world on all subjects.