2011년 1월 30일 일요일
2011년 1월 26일 수요일
2011년 1월 19일 수요일
2011년 1월 13일 목요일
2011년 1월 6일 목요일
open source license
버클리 소프트웨어 배포 라이센스입니다. 진정한 의미에서의 Free가 어울리는 오픈소스 라이센스로, 소스 사용에 대한 어떠한 제약도 없습니다. 소스 수정 및 재배포, 바이너리 제품판매 등에 대해서도 아무런 제약이 없습니다. 소스 공개에 대한 조건도 없습니다. 한마디로 BSD로 배포되는 소스 및 바이너리에 대해서는 완벽한 자유가 보장된다고 보시면 됩니다.
예전에는 제작자의 이름을 명시하는 것이 요구되었으나, 프로젝트가 장기화, 거대화 되면서 이름이 엄청나게 길어지면서 그 조항도 현재는 없어졌습니다.
대표적으로 BSD계열의 유사 유닉스와 아파치 계열 라이센스가 있으며, 아파치 라이센스는 거의 동일한 내용입니다.
GPL(General Public License)
유명한 리쳐드 스톨만이 만든 오픈소스 라이센스입니다. 여러가지 복잡한 내용이 있지만, 요약하면 자유롭게 소스를 사용하고 배포하되 GNU GPL라이센스 조항을 반드시 포함해야 하며, 해당 소스를 사용해서 만든 것은 GPL을 따라야 하며 소스배포를 강요하게 됩니다.
이 조항들이 적용되는 범위가 상당히 넓은데다, 실질적으로 상용 라이센스로서의 의미를 가지기 힘들기 때문에 소프트웨어 제조사에서는 사용을 기피하는 편입니다. 레드햇 등의 유명 리눅스 제조사가 OS를 무료로 배포하고 서비스로 수익을 얻는 구조를 가지는가의 이유이기도 합니다.
기본적으로 이상적으로 봐서는 모든 소프트웨어가 GPL을 따르면 누구나 우수하고 좋은 프로그램을 무료로 쓸 수 있을 것 같지만, 반대로 수익 모델이 그렇게 매력적이지 못하기 때문에 회사들에게서 전폭적 지지를 받지는 못할 라이센스가 아닌가 생각됩니다.(우리나라 회사들도 GPL에 데어서 벌금 낸 회사가 부지기수입니다)
한마디로 무료로 받아서 무료로 배포하는 것이 전제라 하겠습니다.
대표적인 프로젝트로 리눅스와 GNU툴들이 있겠습니다.
모질라 라이센스(MPL)
불여우로 유명한 모질라 재단의 라이센스로, GPL과 비슷하지만 GPL이 너무 강성 노선이라면 MPL은 조금 그 영역을 좁혀서 소스 코드의 공개는 강제하되, 바이너리의 상용화 및 비공개에 대해서 보장하기 때문에 GPL에 비해서는 그 활용 영역이 넓다 하겠습니다. 즉 GPL과 달리, MPL을 따르는 프로젝트의 소스를 얻어 그 소스의 특정 부분을 변경하여 상용 프로젝트를 만들었다면, 해당 소스의 변경점을 공개하고 바뀐 부분을 알려야 하지만, 결과물에 대해서 상용화 및 소유권을 인정하는 형태입니다.
GPL과 BSD를 잘 섞은 듯한 느낌의 라이센스입니다.
LGPL(Lesser GPL)
GPL이 앞서 얘기했듯 GPL과 관계되면 모두 GPL을 따라야 하다보니 사람들이 오픈소스 진영을 제외하고는 기피하는 경향이 강했기 때문에, 그 상황을 호전시키기 위해서 나온 것으로, 라이브러리 등을 LGPL을 따르게 하면 해당 라이센스를 따르는 라이브러리를 상용 및 다른 라이센스와 연계해 사용하고 배포하는 것이 가능합니다. GPL과 마찬가지로 배포시 해당 라이브러리가 LGPL을 따른다는 것을 알리는 내용을 첨부해야 하며 해당 라이브러리를 수정 및 재배포시 소스를 공개하고 LGPL을 따라야 합니다. (해당 모듈 및 라이브러리만)
FFMPEG등에서 사용되고 있으며, FFMPEG가 사용된 곰플레이어 등은 상용소프트웨어임을 생각하시면 이해가 쉽겠습니다.
python web
Python Resources
Home | People | Python | Emulation |
About Python
Python is a programming language that we can thoroughly recommend. On this page, it is intended that various projects that we have been working on can be studied by anyone interested enough to do so. See also David's own projects page!
Python Software
- The analysis package provides facilities for the analysis of Python source code and the production of summaries and programs in other programming languages.
- The jailtools distribution consists of modules and programs for restricting the execution of programs using
"jails". - The kpartplugins package provides useful extensions for KHTML within the Konqueror Web browser.
(This is mostly David's work.) - The libxml2dom package provides a PyXML-style DOM API for libxml2.
- The pprocess distribution provides elementary, multiprocess parallel programming support for Python programs.
- The qtxmldom package provides a PyXML-style DOM API for qtxml, KHTML and KHTML via DCOP.
- The RDFCalendar, RDFMessage and RDFFormats distributions provide facilities for processing and storing information in RDF data stores.
- The sqltriples distribution provides SQL-accessible RDF data stores.
- The t616hack distribution provides access to information stored on various mobile telephones.
(This is based on work by Nelson Minar.) - WebOrganiser is a distribution of applications for managing calendars and messages via the Web.
- The WebStack package provides a common API for Python Web applications.
- The xhtmlhook module permits the importing of XHTML documents within Python as Python modules.
(This is mostly David's work.) - The XSLTools package provides XML/XSL processing support for Python applications.
Python Documentation
- An introductory document describing XML document processing using Python and the DOM API.
(xhtmlhook: This document can be imported directly using xhtmlhook.) - A document describing the automation of applications on Windows platforms using Python and COM.
- A document discussing different approaches to processing and analysing HTML with Python.
Other Python Documentation
For up-to-date information on Python Web frameworks, see the WebProgramming section of the PythonInfo Wiki. (The original basis of that section was the "Python Web Frameworks" overview and the comparison of Python framework features and J2EE standards found on this site.)
The Python Web Project is an attempt to further enhance Python and promote it as the best language for web programming.
This involves designing and writing the necessary modules, packaging distributions and documenting the modules with examples and tutorials as well as spreading the word about Python.Read more »
Web Modules
Snake SQL
Latest News
29th June 2006 - Work on pythonweb has officially stopped so the code is no longer maintained. For an alternative try Pylons which the developers of pythonweb now work on instead.
7th August 2005 - Bricks, the rapid web application development framework, has a first alpha
4th August 2005 - PythonWeb components have been split up into sepearate projects. The 0.6.0 alphas are here.
15th April 2005 - Web Modules Development Release 0.5.3
22nd March 2005 - Web Modules Development Release 0.5.2
18th March 2005 - PythonWeb SourceForge.net project registered
15th February 2005 - Web Modules Development Release 0.5.1
31st January 2005 - Web Modules Development Release 0.5.0
04th January 2005 - Website restructured, standards compliant, contributers section
21st December 2004 - Mailing list created for discussions
20th December 2004 - SnakeSQL 0.5.2 Alpha released - supports simple joins, PyPI
25th November 2004 - SnakeSQL 0.3.4 Alpha released, announced on DB-SIG, PyPI
More news »
Mailing List
Join the list |
The list is for discussions related to any of the software hosted on PythonWeb.org.
Kindly hosted on sourceforge.net.
2011년 1월 5일 수요일
python c api 사용
Some ideas include:
- Wrapping the code as a Python C extension using the Python API
- Wrap the C code using SWIG
- Add a DLL wrapper to the C code and load it into Python using ctypes
- Add a small XML-RPC server to the c-code and call it using xmlrpclib (yes, I know this seems a bit far-out!)
2011년 1월 4일 화요일
python tutorial content
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Built-in Objects
- 3. Built-in Types
- 3.1 Truth Value Testing
- 3.2 Boolean Operations -- and, or, not
- 3.3 Comparisons
- 3.4 Numeric Types -- int, float, long, complex
- 3.5 Iterator Types
- 3.6 Sequence Types -- str, unicode, list, tuple, buffer, xrange
- 3.7 Set Types -- set, frozenset
- 3.8 Mapping Types -- dict
- 3.9 File Objects
- 3.10 Context Manager Types
- 3.11 Other Built-in Types
- 3.12 Special Attributes
- 4. String Services
- 4.1 string -- Common string operations
- 4.2 re -- Regular expression operations
- 4.3 struct -- Interpret strings as packed binary data
- 4.4 difflib -- Helpers for computing deltas
- 4.5 StringIO -- Read and write strings as files
- 4.6 cStringIO -- Faster version of StringIO
- 4.7 textwrap -- Text wrapping and filling
- 4.8 codecs -- Codec registry and base classes
- 4.9 unicodedata -- Unicode Database
- 4.10 stringprep -- Internet String Preparation
- 4.11 fpformat -- Floating point conversions
- 5. Data Types
- 5.1 datetime -- Basic date and time types
- 5.2 calendar -- General calendar-related functions
- 5.3 collections -- High-performance container datatypes
- 5.4 heapq -- Heap queue algorithm
- 5.5 bisect -- Array bisection algorithm
- 5.6 array -- Efficient arrays of numeric values
- 5.7 sets -- Unordered collections of unique elements
- 5.8 sched -- Event scheduler
- 5.9 mutex -- Mutual exclusion support
- 5.10 Queue -- A synchronized queue class
- 5.11 weakref -- Weak references
- 5.12 UserDict -- Class wrapper for dictionary objects
- 5.13 UserList -- Class wrapper for list objects
- 5.14 UserString -- Class wrapper for string objects
- 5.15 types -- Names for built-in types
- 5.16 new -- Creation of runtime internal objects
- 5.17 copy -- Shallow and deep copy operations
- 5.18 pprint -- Data pretty printer
- 5.19 repr -- Alternate repr() implementation
- 6. Numeric and Mathematical Modules
- 6.1 math -- Mathematical functions
- 6.2 cmath -- Mathematical functions for complex numbers
- 6.3 decimal -- Decimal floating point arithmetic
- 6.4 random -- Generate pseudo-random numbers
- 6.5 itertools -- Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
- 6.6 functools -- Higher order functions and operations on callable objects.
- 6.7 operator -- Standard operators as functions.
- 7. Internet Data Handling
- 7.1 email -- An email and MIME handling package
- 7.1.1 Representing an email message
- 7.1.2 Parsing email messages
- 7.1.3 Generating MIME documents
- 7.1.4 Creating email and MIME objects from scratch
- 7.1.5 Internationalized headers
- 7.1.6 Representing character sets
- 7.1.7 Encoders
- 7.1.8 Exception and Defect classes
- 7.1.9 Miscellaneous utilities
- 7.1.10 Iterators
- 7.1.11 Package History
- 7.1.12 Differences from mimelib
- 7.1.13 Examples
- 7.2 mailcap -- Mailcap file handling.
- 7.3 mailbox -- Manipulate mailboxes in various formats
- 7.4 mhlib -- Access to MH mailboxes
- 7.5 mimetools -- Tools for parsing MIME messages
- 7.6 mimetypes -- Map filenames to MIME types
- 7.7 MimeWriter -- Generic MIME file writer
- 7.8 mimify -- MIME processing of mail messages
- 7.9 multifile -- Support for files containing distinct parts
- 7.10 rfc822 -- Parse RFC 2822 mail headers
- 7.11 base64 -- RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings
- 7.12 binhex -- Encode and decode binhex4 files
- 7.13 binascii -- Convert between binary and ASCII
- 7.14 quopri -- Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data
- 7.15 uu -- Encode and decode uuencode files
- 7.1 email -- An email and MIME handling package
- 8. Structured Markup Processing Tools
- 8.1 HTMLParser -- Simple HTML and XHTML parser
- 8.2 sgmllib -- Simple SGML parser
- 8.3 htmllib -- A parser for HTML documents
- 8.4 htmlentitydefs -- Definitions of HTML general entities
- 8.5 xml.parsers.expat -- Fast XML parsing using Expat
- 8.6 xml.dom -- The Document Object Model API
- 8.7 xml.dom.minidom -- Lightweight DOM implementation
- 8.8 xml.dom.pulldom -- Support for building partial DOM trees
- 8.9 xml.sax -- Support for SAX2 parsers
- 8.10 xml.sax.handler -- Base classes for SAX handlers
- 8.11 xml.sax.saxutils -- SAX Utilities
- 8.12 xml.sax.xmlreader -- Interface for XML parsers
- 8.13 xml.etree.ElementTree -- The ElementTree XML API
- 9. File Formats
- 10. Cryptographic Services
- 11. File and Directory Access
- 11.1 os.path -- Common pathname manipulations
- 11.2 fileinput -- Iterate over lines from multiple input streams
- 11.3 stat -- Interpreting stat() results
- 11.4 statvfs -- Constants used with os.statvfs()
- 11.5 filecmp -- File and Directory Comparisons
- 11.6 tempfile -- Generate temporary files and directories
- 11.7 glob -- Unix style pathname pattern expansion
- 11.8 fnmatch -- Unix filename pattern matching
- 11.9 linecache -- Random access to text lines
- 11.10 shutil -- High-level file operations
- 11.11 dircache -- Cached directory listings
- 12. Data Compression and Archiving
- 13. Data Persistence
- 13.1 pickle -- Python object serialization
- 13.2 cPickle -- A faster pickle
- 13.3 copy_reg -- Register pickle support functions
- 13.4 shelve -- Python object persistence
- 13.5 marshal -- Internal Python object serialization
- 13.6 anydbm -- Generic access to DBM-style databases
- 13.7 whichdb -- Guess which DBM module created a database
- 13.8 dbm -- Simple ``database'' interface
- 13.9 gdbm -- GNU's reinterpretation of dbm
- 13.10 dbhash -- DBM-style interface to the BSD database library
- 13.11 bsddb -- Interface to Berkeley DB library
- 13.12 dumbdbm -- Portable DBM implementation
- 13.13 sqlite3 -- DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases
- 14. Generic Operating System Services
- 14.1 os -- Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
- 14.2 time -- Time access and conversions
- 14.3 optparse -- More powerful command line option parser
- 14.4 getopt -- Parser for command line options
- 14.5 logging -- Logging facility for Python
- 14.6 getpass -- Portable password input
- 14.7 curses -- Terminal handling for character-cell displays
- 14.8 curses.textpad -- Text input widget for curses programs
- 14.9 curses.wrapper -- Terminal handler for curses programs
- 14.10 curses.ascii -- Utilities for ASCII characters
- 14.11 curses.panel -- A panel stack extension for curses.
- 14.12 platform -- Access to underlying platform's identifying data.
- 14.13 errno -- Standard errno system symbols
- 14.14 ctypes -- A foreign function library for Python.
- 15. Optional Operating System Services
- 15.1 select -- Waiting for I/O completion
- 15.2 thread -- Multiple threads of control
- 15.3 threading -- Higher-level threading interface
- 15.4 dummy_thread -- Drop-in replacement for the thread module
- 15.5 dummy_threading -- Drop-in replacement for the threading module
- 15.6 mmap -- Memory-mapped file support
- 15.7 readline -- GNU readline interface
- 15.8 rlcompleter -- Completion function for GNU readline
- 16. Unix Specific Services
- 16.1 posix -- The most common POSIX system calls
- 16.2 pwd -- The password database
- 16.3 spwd -- The shadow password database
- 16.4 grp -- The group database
- 16.5 crypt -- Function to check Unix passwords
- 16.6 dl -- Call C functions in shared objects
- 16.7 termios -- POSIX style tty control
- 16.8 tty -- Terminal control functions
- 16.9 pty -- Pseudo-terminal utilities
- 16.10 fcntl -- The fcntl() and ioctl() system calls
- 16.11 pipes -- Interface to shell pipelines
- 16.12 posixfile -- File-like objects with locking support
- 16.13 resource -- Resource usage information
- 16.14 nis -- Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages)
- 16.15 syslog -- Unix syslog library routines
- 16.16 commands -- Utilities for running commands
- 17. Interprocess Communication and Networking
- 17.1 subprocess -- Subprocess management
- 17.2 socket -- Low-level networking interface
- 17.3 signal -- Set handlers for asynchronous events
- 17.4 popen2 -- Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
- 17.5 asyncore -- Asynchronous socket handler
- 17.6 asynchat -- Asynchronous socket command/response handler
- 18. Internet Protocols and Support
- 18.1 webbrowser -- Convenient Web-browser controller
- 18.2 cgi -- Common Gateway Interface support.
- 18.3 cgitb -- Traceback manager for CGI scripts
- 18.4 wsgiref -- WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation
- 18.5 urllib -- Open arbitrary resources by URL
- 18.6 urllib2 -- extensible library for opening URLs
- 18.6.1 Request Objects
- 18.6.2 OpenerDirector Objects
- 18.6.3 BaseHandler Objects
- 18.6.4 HTTPRedirectHandler Objects
- 18.6.5 HTTPCookieProcessor Objects
- 18.6.6 ProxyHandler Objects
- 18.6.7 HTTPPasswordMgr Objects
- 18.6.8 AbstractBasicAuthHandler Objects
- 18.6.9 HTTPBasicAuthHandler Objects
- 18.6.10 ProxyBasicAuthHandler Objects
- 18.6.11 AbstractDigestAuthHandler Objects
- 18.6.12 HTTPDigestAuthHandler Objects
- 18.6.13 ProxyDigestAuthHandler Objects
- 18.6.14 HTTPHandler Objects
- 18.6.15 HTTPSHandler Objects
- 18.6.16 FileHandler Objects
- 18.6.17 FTPHandler Objects
- 18.6.18 CacheFTPHandler Objects
- 18.6.19 GopherHandler Objects
- 18.6.20 UnknownHandler Objects
- 18.6.21 HTTPErrorProcessor Objects
- 18.6.22 Examples
- 18.7 httplib -- HTTP protocol client
- 18.8 ftplib -- FTP protocol client
- 18.9 gopherlib -- Gopher protocol client
- 18.10 poplib -- POP3 protocol client
- 18.11 imaplib -- IMAP4 protocol client
- 18.12 nntplib -- NNTP protocol client
- 18.13 smtplib -- SMTP protocol client
- 18.14 smtpd -- SMTP Server
- 18.15 telnetlib -- Telnet client
- 18.16 uuid -- UUID objects according to RFC 4122
- 18.17 urlparse -- Parse URLs into components
- 18.18 SocketServer -- A framework for network servers
- 18.19 BaseHTTPServer -- Basic HTTP server
- 18.20 SimpleHTTPServer -- Simple HTTP request handler
- 18.21 CGIHTTPServer -- CGI-capable HTTP request handler
- 18.22 cookielib -- Cookie handling for HTTP clients
- 18.23 Cookie -- HTTP state management
- 18.24 xmlrpclib -- XML-RPC client access
- 18.25 SimpleXMLRPCServer -- Basic XML-RPC server
- 18.26 DocXMLRPCServer -- Self-documenting XML-RPC server
- 19. Multimedia Services
- 19.1 audioop -- Manipulate raw audio data
- 19.2 imageop -- Manipulate raw image data
- 19.3 aifc -- Read and write AIFF and AIFC files
- 19.4 sunau -- Read and write Sun AU files
- 19.5 wave -- Read and write WAV files
- 19.6 chunk -- Read IFF chunked data
- 19.7 colorsys -- Conversions between color systems
- 19.8 rgbimg -- Read and write ``SGI RGB'' files
- 19.9 imghdr -- Determine the type of an image
- 19.10 sndhdr -- Determine type of sound file
- 19.11 ossaudiodev -- Access to OSS-compatible audio devices
- 20. Graphical User Interfaces with Tk
- 21. Internationalization
- 22. Program Frameworks
- 23. Development Tools
- 24. The Python Debugger
- 25. The Python Profilers
- 25.1 Introduction to the profilers
- 25.2 Instant User's Manual
- 25.3 What Is Deterministic Profiling?
- 25.4 Reference Manual - profile and cProfile
- 25.5 Limitations
- 25.6 Calibration
- 25.7 Extensions -- Deriving Better Profilers
- 25.8 hotshot -- High performance logging profiler
- 25.9 timeit -- Measure execution time of small code snippets
- 25.10 trace -- Trace or track Python statement execution
- 26. Python Runtime Services
- 26.1 sys -- System-specific parameters and functions
- 26.2 __builtin__ -- Built-in objects
- 26.3 __main__ -- Top-level script environment
- 26.4 warnings -- Warning control
- 26.5 contextlib -- Utilities for with-statement contexts.
- 26.6 atexit -- Exit handlers
- 26.7 traceback -- Print or retrieve a stack traceback
- 26.8 __future__ -- Future statement definitions
- 26.9 gc -- Garbage Collector interface
- 26.10 inspect -- Inspect live objects
- 26.11 site -- Site-specific configuration hook
- 26.12 user -- User-specific configuration hook
- 26.13 fpectl -- Floating point exception control
- 27. Custom Python Interpreters
- 28. Restricted Execution
- 29. Importing Modules
- 30. Python Language Services
- 30.1 parser -- Access Python parse trees
- 30.2 symbol -- Constants used with Python parse trees
- 30.3 token -- Constants used with Python parse trees
- 30.4 keyword -- Testing for Python keywords
- 30.5 tokenize -- Tokenizer for Python source
- 30.6 tabnanny -- Detection of ambiguous indentation
- 30.7 pyclbr -- Python class browser support
- 30.8 py_compile -- Compile Python source files
- 30.9 compileall -- Byte-compile Python libraries
- 30.10 dis -- Disassembler for Python byte code
- 30.11 pickletools -- Tools for pickle developers.
- 30.12 distutils -- Building and installing Python modules
- 31. Python compiler package
- 32. Abstract Syntax Trees
- 33. Miscellaneous Services
- 34. SGI IRIX Specific Services
- 34.1 al -- Audio functions on the SGI
- 34.2 AL -- Constants used with the al module
- 34.3 cd -- CD-ROM access on SGI systems
- 34.4 fl -- FORMS library for graphical user interfaces
- 34.5 FL -- Constants used with the fl module
- 34.6 flp -- Functions for loading stored FORMS designs
- 34.7 fm -- Font Manager interface
- 34.8 gl -- Graphics Library interface
- 34.9 DEVICE -- Constants used with the gl module
- 34.10 GL -- Constants used with the gl module
- 34.11 imgfile -- Support for SGI imglib files
- 34.12 jpeg -- Read and write JPEG files
- 35. SunOS Specific Services
- 36. MS Windows Specific Services
- A. Undocumented Modules
- B. Reporting Bugs
- C. History and License
- Module Index
- Index